Gen. Joseph Makuer Nyieth, Chairman of Patriotic People Party (PPP), Secretary of Foreign Affairs for SSDA/F

Patriotic People Party

Patriotic People Party (PPP) is a democratic political party for the people of South Sudan 🇸🇸. Our fundamental objectives are:
  • to bring Peace, Justice, Equality and Prosperity for all the citizens of South Sudan whether in diaspora or here in the country.
  • Let defines South Sudan so we can be able to live peacefully in South Sudan
  • To flush out corruption and dictatorialism in South Sudan
  • To explore and advance a new ways of creating jobs.
  • Create a system of check and balance.
  • We at the PPP believe that, if the people of South Sudan understood the crisis in our country, the leadership that had failed its people, and believing in a democratic ways, then we will fulfilled the roadmap to freedom for all the patriotic people of South Sudan. If you’re a patriot to your country, then there’s no reason to take an arm against your people. We should be willing to defend our nation for external aggression. Let have peace, love and unity for all the people of South Sudan. We believe that one day, South Sudan will have a two unique political parties. South Sudan 🇸🇸 need a rules of law that allow everyone to decide their own fate in politics. Therefore, there must be two different views whether you believe in conservative views or a liberal views. These are the two only political parties need to be endorsed by the citizens. South Sudan 🇸🇸 need a rules of law that allow everyone to decide their own fate in politics. Therefore, there must be two different views whether you believe in conservative views or a liberal views. These are the two only political parties need to be endorsed by the citizens. Now, let rebuild South Sudan 🇸🇸 Please join us. We will continue to update you whenever we have a news related to our party.

Gen. Joseph Makuer Nyieth
Chairman of Patriotic People Party (PPP) and a Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the SSDA/F